Don't Put All Your Eggs.....

 image size
18 inches x 13 inches

I have always found eggs, be they plain white, coloured, or spotted, to be beautiful.  Perhaps this is because I grew up living just feet from the FloritoÔs egg farm in Mission Flats (near Kamloops).  I would wake to the sound of the strident call of the rooster, watch the chickens strut around the yard attentively searching for the grain amply scattered on the ground, and sitting with my mom as she help candle the eggs. 

The eggs in this painting, are quail eggs.  They are delicate, creamy white with chocolate brown markings.  They are tiny, little more than an inch in size, each different and as unique as fingerprints.  I particularly enjoyed painting these eggs, and the tension found in setting a basket of eggs so close to the edge of the table.  At least one egg is not in the basket...perhaps there is a lesson how does that saying go?
copyright © Lori Motokado all rights reserved 2014